What to Do if Your dog is scared of Thunder

If your dog is scared of thunder or fireworks, you’re not alone.

Unfortunately, many dogs are scared of thunderstorms since of the noise, wind, modification in pressure, etc.

If your dog is scared of thunder, she might:

pant heavily
try to hide
try to “dig” while indoors
paw at you
kulit pohon
or even act aggressively.

Some dogs could harm themselves or damage home while trying to dig or “escape.”

If your dog is scared of thunderstorms, here are a couple ideas that can help:

What to do if your dog is scared of thunder

*Get my tips on how to help a dog during thunderstorms emailed to you in a pdf. Klik disini.
1. It’s ok to comfort your dog during a storm.

There are mixed opinions on this, however it’s ok to calmly reassure your dog when he’s scared as long as his habits is appropriate.

For example, you should calmly pet as well as reassure him if he’s lying quietly on his bed however not if he’s running around barking. encourage a more appropriate habits first, then reassure him.

I mean, what would make you feel calmer if you were scared? someone calmly telling you it’s ok or someone running around like a maniac looking out the windows saying “It’s OK! Tidak apa-apa! Tidak apa-apa!”

Encourage calm habits as well as remain calm yourself.

2. Distract your dog with highly valued chew toys or food during a storm.

Some dogs will be too scared to care about food, however it’s worth a try to distract your dog with something extremely tempting.

Use what you know your dog loves as well as something you are comfortable giving her.

Some examples could be:

a Kong toy stuffed with peanut butter, cheese, raw hamburger or jerky treats
a raw knuckle bone
pigs ears
bully sticks
a rawhide bone

These special treats are not meant to “reward” fearful behavior, they’re to distract your dog from the storm. You can ask her to sit or lie down first if you’d like.

*Get my tips on how to help a dog during thunderstorms emailed to you in a pdf. Klik disini.
3. provide a safe place for your dog to hide during thunder.

Allow your dog to crawl under a desk or to curl up in her kennel/crate if she prefers. Be cautious about forcing a dog in or out of a small space because a fearful dog is more likely to bite.

Don’t try to force your dog out of her crate to take her out to go potty or to feed her. just wait until the storm ends.

Also, for obvious safety reasons, make sure your dog can’t get out of the house or out of the yard. keep all doors as well as gates locked, especially if you have to leave your dog home alone.

Consider separating your pets if there is a possibility for aggression. On the other hand, some pets will provide comfort to each other.

4. use a Thundershirt for your dog during storms.

A Thundershirt is a tight-fitting vest designed to help a dog feel more comfortable in stressful situations. get one here.

The Thundershirt does make some dogs less fearful, however it is generally not a quick fix. Don’t expect a miracle. Instead, plan on using the Thundershirt in addition to the other ideas in this post. likewise see my post on Thundershirt reviews.

In addition to a Thundershirt, try using other tools that naturally make your dog calmer such as a dog coat, vest or sweater, a dog backpack, a harness, a gentle Leader, etc. Each dog is different, however my own dog becomes noticeably calmer while wearing these items.

5. create white noise for your dog during thunder

It does help some dogs if you’re able to drown out some of the noise by turning on the TV, music, air conditioning or loud fans.

Obviously, if you can close all the windows as well as blinds as well as sit in a central area of the house or a basement, that can likewise help some dogs.

How to desensitize a dog to thunderstorms

If you’d like to prepare your dog for future storms, I would think about the following ideas. (And please add extra ideas in the comments!)

1. Desensitizing your dog to storms.

The idea is to slowly get your dog used to the thunderstorm noise so it eventually becomes no huge deal. easier said than done, however we are lucky YouTube has literally hundreds of thunderstorm recordings.

I embedded one example below (link) that I thought was pretty good. Of course, if your dog is reacting to the modification in pressure vs. the noise, then desensitizing her to the noise will only do so much.

You can try a couple of things to desensitize your dog to thunderstorms:

One option is to randomly play the sounds softly without acknowledging your dog. No reaction whatsoever from you. Ideally, your dog wiLL hanya belajar suara -suara ini bukan masalah besar, bahkan ketika Anda secara bertahap meningkatkan volume selama beberapa hari dan juga minggu.

Pilihan lain adalah memberi anjing Anda hadiah makanan yang sangat berharga saat Anda memutar video. Ini bisa mengalihkan perhatian anjing Anda pada awalnya namun juga untuk membantunya mengasosiasikan pengalaman positif dengan suara badai.

2. Obat menenangkan alami untuk anjing selama badai.

Saya mengacu pada produk alami seperti obat penyelamat Bach serta ketenangan anjing. Produk -produk ini dipasarkan sebagai produk alami untuk membantu anjing tetap tenang dalam situasi stres seperti ketika mereka takut guntur atau kembang api. Anjing Anda tidak memerlukan resep untuk produk ini.

Seperti Thundershirt, obat alami dapat dipukul atau dilewatkan serta mereka umumnya bukan perbaikan cepat. Namun, ada baiknya mencobanya dalam kombinasi dengan produk lain serta metode pelatihan.

3. Bicaralah dengan dokter hewan tentang obat anti-kecemasan untuk anjing Anda.

Ada obat resep untuk membantu anjing dengan badai petir, namun saya sarankan Anda dengan hati -hati menimbang pro serta kontra obat sebelum memberikannya kepada anjing Anda.

Obat yang biasa diresepkan untuk anjing dengan fobia badai petir termasuk acepromazine dan diazepam (valium). Anda dapat menyiapkan lebih banyak detail serta pro serta kontra dari obat -obatan di sini.

Pastikan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan rinci dokter hewan seperti:

– Seberapa jauh saya perlu memberikan obat anti stres dan kecemasan ini kepada anjing saya?

– Bagaimana cara kerja obatnya?

– Apakah itu benar -benar mengurangi ketakutan anjing saya atau hanya membuatnya tidak bisa bergerak? (Sangat buruk!)

4. Berikan banyak olahraga Anda sebelum badai.

Saya tahu, saya membuatnya terdengar semudah itu, namun energi yang kurang terpendam, anjing Anda semakin baik. Saya tahu begitu banyak orang yang berpikir mereka dapat membawa anjing mereka dalam kenaikan 90 menit pada hari Sabtu dan berharap dia akan lelah sepanjang minggu.

Jika Anda dapat memberi anjing Anda olahraga yang memadai setiap hari dalam seminggu, itu akan membantunya tetap lebih tenang serta kurang cemas secara umum. Jika Anda memiliki anjing yang cemas, olahraga dan struktur sangat penting!

Kiat keselamatan lainnya untuk anjing dengan fobia badai:

Jaga agar anjing Anda berada di dalam ruangan, setidaknya selama musim petir/kembang api.
Jangan ragu untuk menyewa pelatih anjing atau behavioris.
Pastikan anjing Anda microchip. Saya juga merekomendasikan tag ID, namun jika Anda khawatir dia akan menangkap kerahnya pada sesuatu yang dapat Anda pertimbangkan sebagai harness atau kerah yang memisahkan diri.
Pekerjakan pengasuh hewan peliharaan untuk tinggal bersama anjing Anda jika Anda harus meninggalkannya sendirian selama badai.

Mengapa anjing takut guntur?

Anjing cenderung takut guntur karena mereka tidak mengerti apa yang menyebabkan suara keras dan gemuruh. Wajar bagi mereka untuk ingin bersembunyi atau menyelidiki.

Inilah sebabnya mengapa Anda dapat membantu fobia badai anjing Anda dengan memberikan latar belakang atau white noise untuk memblokir beberapa guntur.

Apakah anjing Anda takut badai atau kembang api?

Apa yang Anda lakukan untuk membantunya? Beri tahu kami di komentar!

*Posting ini berisi tautan afiliasi Amazon.

*Dapatkan tips saya tentang cara membantu seekor anjing selama badai petir diemailkan kepada Anda dalam PDF. Klik disini.
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